Download Dell Linux Software
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- Creative NOMAD/Zen/Dell DJ API v.b.2.2.7Provide a user-level API (C library) for communicating with the Creative NOMAD Jukebox MP3 players and Dell DJs under Linux, *BSD and Windows. The protocol in question is colloquially known as "PDE" (Portable Digital Entertainment). It includes ...
- Activemove v.30112011ACTIVEMOVE E' un software Gestionale ERP ( Enterprise Resource Planning : "spianificazione delle risorse d'impresa"t) ottimizzato per la gestione dell Produzione. E' un programma a Multiutente e Multiaziendale ...
- Digital Audio Server v.0.1Platform-independent server for Dell Digital Audio Receiver and SONICblue Rio Digital Audio ...
- Dmidecode wrapper v.1.0This script is written in order to collect the dmidecode tools information from various remote Dell machines and make them available on web-interface using database as a ...
- Laptop Configuration for Ubuntu Linux v.0.3A hardware configuration and tweaking program for Dell laptops running Ubuntu Linux. This program was written for anyone who desires to automate the configuration of incorrectly configured or unsupported ...
- NJB Navigator v.0.1.1QT based NJB Navigator provides easy navigation and management functions for portable MP3 players (Creative Nomad Jukeboxes, Dell-DJ), supported via ...
- OpenURP v.0.6[ITA] OpenURP un'applicazione WEB Open Source realizzata da Openia SRL per la gestione dell'Ufficio Relazioni con il Pubblico. [ENG] OpenURP is an opensource web application made by Openia SRL in order to manage the URP municipality ...
- SonicLog Cruncher v.0.76.2Perl logfile analyzer for DELL Sonicwall Firewall logfiles. This Perl program (Windows /Linux / Mac), creates an HTML file containing: hits per protocol, mean, median and variance on hourly and weekday basis, RBL statistics, IPS stats, VPN stats, ...
- TWMAN+ v.1.0Core By Truman 0.1 (SecureWorks@Dell) Mail : TonTon(at)TWMAN.ORG) FaceBook : TWMAN+ Google Code : This research is partially supported by the National Science Council of Taiwan ...
- Dopewars drug dealing game v.1.5.12dopewars is a drug dealing game based on "Drug Wars" by John E. Dell. Originally set in New York, your aim is to deal in drugs and make your fortune...
- Save The Penguins v.rcThis is a single player side/vertical scrolling game using SDL and SDL_image. It is written in C++ and is for the Linux operating system.It is sort of a clone of STG for the acorn archimedies by Charles Dell.
- Password Wallet v.1.0Progetto didattico "Password Wallet" per l'insegnamento di Ingegneria del Software (Anno Accademico 2011/2012) del Corso di Laurea in Informatica dell'UniversitA degli Studi di Padova.
- RioPlay - Audio player for Rio Receiver v.0.29alpha2RioPlay is a replacement player application for the Rio Receiver and clones such as the Dell Digital Audio Receiver.
- Magick Rotation v.1.5Magick Rotation is an application that will help Dell, HP, and Lenovo tablet pc's automatically rotate screen orientation and devices that use the Wacom or evdev drivers.
- XPS Led Changer v.0.6.2XPS Led Changer is a simple GUI for the dellLEDCtl program to change your Dell XPS laptop LEDs under Linux.
- Kernel-xps-m1330 Milestone v.1.0Customized kernel for Dell XPS-M1330 Laptop ...
- ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition v.5.5ManageEngine OpManager is a comprehensive, easy to use Network, Systems and Applications monitoring software that offers integrated fault and performance management functionality ...
- ManageEngine OpManager MSP Platform v.6.0ManageEngine OpManager MSP Platform is an ideal network monitor tool which is suitable for remote controlling of many servers, exchange servers, firewalls, URLs, routers, switches, and any SNMP enabled device. Being a comprehensive, easy to use, ...
- GMABooster v.2.1aGMABooster is a nice application designed to allows users to manually adjust the core clock of Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (GMA 950). By choosing between 166/200/250/400 MHz, directly from a Windows environment and without even a need to ...
- Aluminium v.1.0A simple application in italian to list some aluminium properties. Una piccola applicazione che elenca alcune proprietA ...
Today's Top Ten Downloads for Dell- CacheGuard CacheGuard provides a firewall, an antivirus, a proxy cache,
- GMABooster GMABooster is a nice application designed to allows users to
- STOR2RRD Monitoring Storage, SAN and LAN:
- Digital Audio Server Platform-independent server for Dell Digital Audio
- Creative NOMAD/Zen/Dell DJ API Provide a user-level API (C library) for communicating with
- DeviceExpert DeviceExpert is a web-based, multi vendor network
- ManageEngine OpManager Free Edition ManageEngine OpManager is a comprehensive, easy to use
- Nota - Fatture, Magazzino, ContabilitA "sNota - Il software gestionale"t a un software che consente
- Laptop Configuration for Ubuntu Linux A hardware configuration and tweaking program for Dell
- NJB Navigator QT based NJB Navigator provides easy navigation and